Being Mindful

Mindful – attentive, aware, or careful

What is mindful?  For me, I guess it’s just being aware.  I’m mindful of what I eat.  So far, I’m doing good.  I have work to do, but I’m doing it. I do think it’s time to reevaluate my eating though – specifically my breakfast.  I almost always have the sugary fruit on the bottom greek yogurt – pineapple, mango, or key lime being the 3 I rotate most often.  I need to switch it up w/ proteins (eggs, specifically).  My plan is to cook in bulk this weekend in order to have breakfasts done for the week.

I’m mindful of my movement. I’m blessed to work for a company that gives me 2 paid breaks of 15 minutes each.  They also give us 2 PTO days per year for creating, reaching, and maintaining our wellness goals.  I’m working on increasing my steps every day and so far, am averaging about 5,000 steps per day.  My goal is still 4,000 (until Monday), but I strive to get there every day.  Thank God I can walk – I can’t do much more than that these days, but that I can do.

My other goal is to cook foods I haven’t cooked before.  Parsnips, Rutabagas, Mangoes, Beets – that’s just the start.  I may even (more than likely) share the food and the recipe. I’m looking forward to what I find.

Until next time…..

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