I hear crickets…..

Not really, but I’ve been kind of quiet lately.  I’ve got surgery scheduled for next month and I’m a bit nervous.  A kind of anxious -but I feel good about the decision- nervous.  My body lately seems like a car that has just been paid off – it’s starting to nickel-and-dime me.  I’ve got something called “Frozen Shoulder” which really sounds benign,but it has got to be one of the most excruciating things I’ve ever dealt with.  I have searing pain in my shoulder all day, every day.  If someone bumps me, the pain knocks me over it’s so intense.  I can no longer lift my arm past chest level, I can no longer stretch my arm out to the side, I have trouble shampooing/conditioning my hair, have to clip it one-armed….I even have to have my 9-year-old help me with my bra.  It’s been a long 10 months – physical therapy, home therapy, doctors appointments, MRIs, X-Rays, and it’s just not getting better.  Worse, as a matter of fact.  Which is why I ultimately decided to do the surgery.  It was not a decision I came to lightly.  I mean, it’s surgery.  I researched.  I asked my doctors questions.  I talked to my family.  So, I’m at peace.  But I’m still nervous.

I’m down 2 more pounds, so total now is 15.  I’m walking, but not doing much else.  I hope to continue my walks after surgery.  I don’t want to gain the weight back and would like to continue losing.  After all, it’s 90% what you eat and only 10% exercise.

Reading wise – I’m in a funk.  I’ve gotten quite a few good books lately I’m just having trouble focusing.  Hopefully that ends soon – otherwise see some re-reading of my favorites in my future 🙂

“The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving.”– Oliver Wendell Holmes

2 thoughts on “I hear crickets…..

  1. Oh man that sucks that you’re having so much pain so I hope that the surgery works for you and that it will help relieve your shoulder pains.

    I also hope you get back into the reading swing of things. I’ll be sending all of my good vibes to you for your surgery.


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