Update for today (and the last few weeks).

So, I’ve been wrestling with the same 5 pounds over the past few weeks.  Not sure why, as I’ve been doing good eating wise.  I hate plateaus, I really do.  My mantra lately – this too shall pass.

Our lucky puppies have been getting lots of walks lately – today, they even got 3!  Tuckered them out a little though – they’re both snoring away, not a care in the world.  One thing I pondered today, though, is that our walks our getting more interesting now that I have to hold my pants up.  No joke – I’m in desperate need for smaller sweatpants.  I have to say, it would make for interesting conversation in the neighborhood 🙂

Surgery is three weeks away.  I’m anxious, nervous, excited, determined…..scared, and a bit stressed.  It’s coming fast – truth be told, I’m more scared of after the surgery.  I know it’s going to hurt for awhile — but hopefully, the pain will go away.  Which would be a step in the right direction – I’ve been living with the shoulder pain for almost a year.  Almost anything would be an improvement.

I love stewed tomatoes – they add a level of sweetness to whatever they are in. I made soup last night and used up the last can, so I did a little sneaky chef action and added apples to the mix.  It worked well to add some sweetness and nobody was the wiser…except for me 🙂

New Home

So, if anyone still comes here, I wanted to let you know I’ve moved. You can now visit me at my new home: http://dishingwithdev.blogspot.com. I’m trying to de-compartmentalize my life a bit so I don’t disappear on my online friends like I have in the past. Please be sure to update your bookmarks (if you still visit me here!)


Tomorrow’s the day. Weigh-in and measurements in the morning.

Food plan for the day (so far):
B: Eggbeaters w/ mushrooms, ham, and lf cheddar
S: Mini cukes, lf string cheese
L: Salad w/ celery, tomato, onion, 1 oz goat cheese, 1/2 c. garbanzo beans, balsamic vinaigrette
S: Bell pepper, 1/4 c. cashews
D: Chicken w/ broccoli (?)
S: ???
E: None, more than likely

Starting Over (Yet Again)

Huge Sigh. Why can’t I figure out the magic solution to keeping the weight off??? Actually, I have – I’m just having trouble with the follow-through. So, I know what to do – I know what foods make me feel good, and which ones make me feel lousy. It’s just a matter of “just doing it”. So this weekend, I’m gearing up. I’m shopping, I’m cleaning the crap out of my cupboard, and I’m starting over.

I Fell

Seems I fell off the face of the earth, doesn’t it. Well, I’ve been doing abysmally. Completely fell off the wagon and managed to gain 10 more pounds (I think). Restarted South Beach 2 weeks ago, and so far, so good. I haven’t weighed in yet, but will do so tomorrow. Cold weather’s coming and I need to fit back into my clothes!!!

As far as exercise, I’ve been so busy packing that it’s really my only form of it right now. I’m moving next week ~ still in the same town, just a different area.

I also started back to school again. So between moving, work, family, school, etc., etc., I’m spread pretty thin right now. But after the move next week, I’m hoping things calm down.

So, just know I am alive and breathing. Will do my best to be a better blogger.

Today’s Update ~ 8/13/08

I woke up with a headache this morning. I hate it when that happens! I’m being proactive though and am drinking my water (and my caffeine ~ it’s a habit I refuse to break!!) and I did pop a few aleve so hopefully it’ll be gone soon.

We’re going to the fair tonight. I have not yet decided if I’m going to have a corndog or not. I eat a corndog maybe once a year and it’s during the fair. My othe junk that I like to eat are funnelcakes (had one in Idaho, so I don’t need another one), and lemonade (will just take a sip of Mom’s). We’ll see. I don’t know. I’m being skimpy on my WW points today to allow for it, but I’ve seen great movement on the scale so far this week, so I may decide to completely skip it this year in order to stay OP.

Plan for today:
P1 (WW 24)
B: Cheddar & Broccoli Eggbeaters (4 pts)
S: Red peppers (0 pt)
L: Salad w/ 1 oz goat cheese, onion, lf balsamic vinaigrette (4.5 pts)
S: English Cucumber (1 pt)
D: Corndog (maybe??) (11 pt)
S: ???
E: None, walking around the fair (-2 pt)

Fresh Start

Well, I did it. I changed my ticker. I thought I was up about 20 pounds and I was right. But thinking it and facing the reality of it are two different things. I saw the 188 on the scale this morning and my heart plummeted. I was down to 164 in April. I’ve definitely gone in the wrong direction here.

I’m restarting today, still combining WW and SB. I need to relearn portion sizes and really figure out why it is that I’m eating what I’m eating. It’s just mindless and I’m not controlling it.

Something else I did was I took my measurements! Yay me, because this is something I haven’t ever really done. I’ve always focused on the numbers on the scale.

Chest: 40″
Hips: 44″
Belly Button: 41″
Waist: 37″
R Arm: 12.5″
R Thigh: 23.25″
R Calf: 15.5″
L Arm: 12.75″
L Thigh: 23″
L Calf 16″

P1 (WW target 24 pts)
B: Broccoli & Cheddar Eggs (4 pts)
S: Red peppers (0 pt)
L: Salad w/ lettuce, red onion, tomato, 1 oz goat cheese, 4 oz chicken breast, 2 T balsamic vinaigrette (9.5 pts)
S: English Cucumber (1 pt)
D: ??? Maybe fish and broccoli???
S: ???
E: None, unless I can squeeze a little in while Baby J takes her nap tonight.
(I’ve also got some snacks on reserve in case I’m really hungry between meals today ~ 14 cashews (4 pts), Cheese Stick (2 pts)